Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00
1 609 750 1900

Performance Testing Service

Test Management

Y-Axis’s Performance Testing Services are designed to support the delivery of all types of IT software and hardware change, ensuring they fully meet the performance requirements for all key stakeholders.

Software performance issues are traditionally difficult to identify prior to live operation of a new system but, when detected after launch, often involve costly remedial work. By using advanced testing services and tools, Y-Axis can undertake realistic proving of your new systems in the development stages and provide important feedback to ensure problems are rectified at an earlier stage.

Once a new system is in live operation, software performance continues to become a critical factor. We provide a bespoke solution using our remote web load testing infrastructure, enabling you to select your performance test and quickly verify changes prior to implementation. We also recognize that identifying problems only provides part of the solution. Y-Axis’s in-depth experience in technology development and testing ensures we can always identify the source of the problem and recommend a remedial course of action. No matter what stage you are at in the lifecycle of your IT systems, AppLabs can provide performance testing services that optimize your systems' performance.