Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00
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Industry Solution

Government and public sector organizations are under increasing pressure to deliver improved services to the citizens that they support. Over the last few years, these organizations have been driven to improve all aspects of the way they interact with the public. Public organizations need to be run as efficiently as possible and one of the major enablers of this is the implementation of sophisticated IT solutions to reduce the administration costs and enable them to compete with private organizations that offer similar services. Y-Axis’s approach is both strategic and highly pragmatic in dealing with these issues. We recognize that ever-changing policy has a major impact on people and processes, but also recognizing that technology, if implemented correctly, will produce the results. Some of the key technological changes are focused on the implementation of:

  • e-government services, whether that be on-line voting or self service tax and administrative functions
  • Integrated solutions between local, state and countrywide departments to share and utilize information effectively and efficiently
  • Streamlining distribution methods to provide a greater platform to compete with the private organizations
  • Increased security against the global threat of terrorism and illegal immigration to ensure that the public’s safety is of utmost importance

Y-Axis has developed a comprehensive set of services to work with government and the public sectors to mitigate the risks of major change programs and provide the level of independence that assures success.